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About the Festival
For nearly 30 years, the Western Kentucky University Film Festival has showcased gifted student filmmakers in venues on WKU’s campus and in the Bowling Green community. Created in 1995 by Western Kentucky University professor Cory Lash, the festivities strive to recognize and nurture the talent of the next generation of filmmakers.
Festival Founder Corey Lash
Professor and independent filmmaker Cory Lash founded the WKU Film Festival in 1995. Prior to that time, as a student at Kent State University in the 1970s, Lash was an important part of the Kent Film Festival as well as the touring component of the Ann Arbor Film Festival. In addition, his work has been featured in the Atlanta, Chicago International, Cleveland International, Nashville and Cannes Film Festivals, among others.
Cory Lash retired from WKU and the WKU Film Festival in 2011.
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