Welcome to the WKU BFA in Film Production application page. Please read over all requirements and portfolio instructions carefully prior to starting your application. If you have any questions about your eligibility, please contact your WKU academic advisor or a film faculty member.
Up to twenty-four students per academic year will be selected for admission into the program based on the quality of their creative portfolio, their professionalism in class and on set, and their scholastic work.
To submit your application, please click the button below. (Note: In order to upload portfolio materials, you will need to be logged into a Google account.)
In order to apply for the BFA in Film Production, students must first complete the following academic requirements*:
- Completion of a minimum of 30 hours of coursework applicable to a baccalaureate degree;
- A minimum overall grade point average of 2.5;
- Completion of ENG 100 with a grade of ‘C’ or better and 15 additional hours in the Colonnade Program;
- Completion of the following courses (or transfer equivalents) with a grade of ‘C’ or better: FILM 100 Film Industry & Aesthetics, FILM 201 Intro to Cinema, FILM 202 Basic Film Production, FILM 250 Screenwriting I.
* Students currently enrolled in any of the required courses may apply, as long as courses will be completed with a C or better prior to the fall semester.
The creative portfolio consists of the following required materials. Details for each element are provided below.
- Statement of Purpose
- Film Resumé
- Photo Sequence
- Screenwriting Sample
- Film Sample
- Letter of Recommendation (transfer students only)
Please read the instructions for each portfolio element carefully. Applicants may only submit once, so make sure all of your materials are complete before beginning the application process.
1. Statement of Purpose
Submit a 750 word statement of purpose describing why you are an ideal candidate for the BFA in Film Production. This statement should describe the personal and creative qualities you will bring to the program, as well as what you hope to gain from the program, including career aspirations.
The document should be in PDF format.
2. Film Resumé
Submit a film resume including both academic (HS and college) and independent/professional (if applicable) film credits. Films made as class assignments/projects may be included.
The document should be in PDF format.
3. Photo Sequence
Tell a simple story (with a beginning, middle, and end) in a sequence of 10 photographs (no more, no less).
In order to ensure the photos are viewed in the correct order, use the following file naming format: LastName_Photo_01, LastName_Photo_02, LastName_Photo_03, etc. For example, Newton_Photo_01, Newton_Photo_02, Newton_Photo_03, etc.
Photos should be in JPEG or JPG format. Each individual file must be 10 MB or less.
4. Screenwriting Sample
Submit up to 10 pages of screenplay pages. These can be from separate short films or excerpted from a longer screenplay.
Files should use the following file name format: LastName_Script_01, LastName_Script_02, LastName_Script_03, etc. For example, Newton_Script_01, Newton_Script_02, Newton_Script_03, etc.
Pages must be submitted in PDF format.
5. Film Sample
Submit up to 10 minutes of film work in a single video link. These should be projects where you served in a creative capacity (writer, director, cinematographer, editor, etc.) Films where you only served as an actor should NOT be submitted.
Submissions can be complete short films or excerpts from longer works as long as: A) the total running time is 10 minutes or less and B) your position on the film (director, etc.) is clearly indicated in the credits or title cards.
The film sample must be submitted as a single link, so the original file should be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo. YouTube can be private links, and Vimeo can be password-protected, as long as the password is provided.
6. Letter of Recommendation (Transfer Students Only)
Students who are transferring in credit for two or more required film courses (FILM 100, 201, 202, 250) must submit a letter of recommendation from a film professor at your previous institution.
This letter will not be submitted as part of of your application. Instead, the letter writer should email the recommendation directly to the film coordinator, Sara Thomason ( prior to the March 10 deadline.