The BA in Film provides undergraduates a strong foundation in both film production and film studies. This combination allows students to gain the practical skills to succeed on a film set in both “below the line” and “above the line” roles, to experience the mechanics of film production in industry and independent settings, and to develop facility in critical and analytical thinking through the study of global film culture, history and aesthetics.
BA vs. BFA:
The BA in Film is a flexible liberal arts program giving students a breadth of knowledge through film electives and minor/double major options. This option would be good for a student who has a general interest in film, wants the option of double majoring, or intends to continue on to graduate school. The BFA in Film Production is offered alongside WKU’s BA in Film. The BFA in Film Production is an intensive pre-professional program which gives students numerous opportunities to make films without taking non-film courses concurrently. This option would be good for a student pursuing a career in the film/television industry.
Prospective majors may take no more than 12 hours in the major before admission. Students must meet the following requirements before they can be admitted:
- Completion of a minimum of 24 hours of coursework applicable to a baccalaureate degree;
- A minimum overall grade point average of 2.5;
- Completion of ENG 100 with a grade of ‘C’ or better and 9 additional hours in the Colonnade Program;
- Completion of the following courses with a grade of ‘C’ or better: FILM 100, FILM 201, FILM 202, FILM 250.
Students not meeting the above admission requirements will not be admitted to the Film major and cannot register for any additional courses in the major.
The BA in Film requires 36 semester hours. No course with a grade of “D” or below may be counted toward this major or fulfill prerequisite requirements for any major in the School of Media. One-half of the hours in the Film major must be at the 300- or 400-level.
In addition to meeting institutional requirements for graduation, the Film major must have a minor or second major that is outside of both the School of Media and the Film Studies minor and is approved by the major faculty advisor. Students may not select a minor from those offered within the School unless taken as a second minor.
REQUIRED COURSES: 17 hours (pre-requisites in parentheses)
FILM 100: Film Industry and Aesthetics
FILM 155: Film Attendance [0 credit hours] [must complete 2x]
FILM 201: Introduction to the Cinema
FILM 202: Basic Film Production (FILM 100 and 201)
FILM 250: Screenwriting I (FILM 201 or BCOM 325)
FILM 282: Film Production Workshop I [2 credit hours] (FILM 202)
FILM 369: Introduction to World Cinema (FILM 201)
RESTRICTED ELECTIVES: 19 hours (courses may have prerequisites)
BCOM 366: Editing I (BCOM 266 or FILM 201) or
FILM 256: Film Editing I
Film Studies (6+ Hours)
FILM 366: History of Narrative Film [spring even years] (ENG 100, 200)
FILM 367: Introduction to Film Genres [2 credit hours]
FILM 399: Special Topics in Film [Repeatable with change of content]
FILM 465: Film Genres [spring] (ENG 100, 200, & FILM 201) [May be taken twice as long as genres differ]
FILM 466: Film Theory [fall odd years] (FILM 201, 366 & ENG 365)
FILM 469: Topics in World Cinema (FILM 369)
ENG 309: Documentary Film [spring odd years] (ENG 200)
ENG 365: Film Adaptation [fall even years] (ENG 100, 200)
BCOM 481: Problems in Mass Communication [Special Topic: World Cinema/Study Abroad] (permission of instructor)
PS 303: Politics in Film [fall even years]
ANTH 448: Visual Anthropology (JR standing or higher)
ENG 295: Pop Culture & Gender [spring] (JR standing or higher)
Film Production (6+ Hours)
FILM 382: Film Production Workshop II [2 credit hours] (FILM 282)
FILM 450: Feature Screenwriting (FILM 250)
FILM 482: Film Production Workshop III (FILM 382)
FILM 486: Film Capstone (SR standing)
BCOM 266: Basic Television Production (SJB 101 or BCOM 201)
BCOM 367: Field Production I (BCOM 266, 366)
BCOM 378: Film Animation
BCOM 380: Editing II (BCOM 366)
BCOM 463: Field Production II (BCOM 266, 366, 367)
BCOM 466: Television Directing (FILM 367)
BCOM 480: Editing III (BCOM 380)
PJ 231: Introduction to Photojournalism
PJ 330: Intro to Short Form Documentary
PJ 433: Advanced Short Form Documentary (PJ 330)
PERF 101: Acting
THEA 303: Acting for the Camera